Thursday, May 31, 2007

nOtiCe - pArt 2

as u can see, my comment box appear dy !!!! hooray !!! SO, leave me comment if u want ! hehe

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Talkative me

It's another rainy day ... i hate it... since we cant do what we planned to do , we went Alamanda hang gai. We've taken some times to decide whr to hav our dinner, at last , we went Pizza Hut.

Kim keep on saying ' it's healthy' when we're eating tis plate of Salad >.<

I talked alot as usual, shared my 'storries' during the dinner, told the things that i kept to myself long time ago . In fact, i din feel better nor worst. I just feel empty... 'unexplainable' empty.

Y do i suddenly feel so alone...

hmmmm, don't feel like continue now, wanna watch bang bang tang. jia.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Ladies & gentlemEn , found it something wrong with my bloggy ?? yaya, thr're no comment space for u guys to leave comments.... oh my.... really pai seh, was confusing with the html thingy again @_@ so, please leave comments at the cbOx provided ya ! (for temporary) ariGatou ne !!!

p/s: Must leave me comments ya . muaahahaha . Jia ne!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


哎哟喂呀。。。 是不是深夜写部落格特别有 feel 啊,每当入睡前和洗白白时就会特别感性,想很多。。。 嘿嘿,这次用中文咯,‘香蕉朋友’们,对不起咯。还不是要托‘棒棒糖’的福,突然想用中文哦。哈哈哈哈。。 对!最近,我都在‘埋头’看‘模范棒棒堂’哦。想必还有很多人都搞不清楚它是什么东东吧,懂‘我爱黑涩会’吧??‘棒棒堂’是男生版的。我不多解释了,懒惰。哈哈哈。。。有兴趣的人,可以告诉我哦,我很乐意和你分享哦。我的天啊!就是无法抗拒那些超会跳舞的人所散发的魅力!深深迷上了‘棒棒堂’里面的小杰呢。。。虽然敖犬跳舞也是一级棒,但他太多人喜欢了,我就不会锺情于万人迷,怪吧?哈哈哈。最近发现呱呱还蛮帅的,哈哈哈,但我还是最爱他啦!>.< 秀一秀他的卢山真面目吧,嘻嘻。

~ 廖俊杰(小杰)~

在我还没忘记我负责‘传承营’的唱游前,我是时候该做些事了。顾名思义,‘唱游’就是唱歌嘛,为什么要游啊?我搞不懂,但是这不是重点哦,重点是,我除了要找歌曲,还要排手语哦。新尝试。。。嘿,谁说看电视没用的?我从‘棒棒堂’得到了不少灵感哦。。。就是啊,我看到元若蓝做来宾那集,她汉小杰和敖犬一起跳的‘爱乘于无限大’就刚好可以派上用场啊!那首歌很可爱,调皮,节奏也很轻松,跳起来一定很好玩吧!哈哈哈,想到就爽!但是,现实还是残酷的,我虽然爱死跳舞了,可是就不能无师自通,自己看着电脑学,总有力不从心的感觉。。。就是放不开,不能把动作跳好。别看我平时好像乖乖的,不动的,其实我在家三八得不得了,就是爱闹人,就是爱乱跳舞,爱搞笑,跟到外面的我,判诺两人。一句话,就爱面子嘛。哈哈哈。嘿,我可要负责把舞步想好,然后教人。。。不能玩玩的。嗯,我想还是去找朋友一起排吧,比较好,对。。。 哈哈。

我在 you-tube 找到‘爱乘于无限大’的舞步教学。 站起来动动吧!

本小姐我,今天,嗯。。。应该说是昨天,星期六,去做工了。是推销员,推销‘保健酒’,这份工是敏介绍的,我和她一起去。嗯,在我意料之外,发生了一些不太令人高兴的事,我也不想在这多谈。因为懒,哈哈哈。只是,我又领悟到了,要到社会大学去混可不是开玩笑的,很多挑战,麻烦在等着你。。。我真的懂的哦。。。不要以为我只会玩。。。(心虚中)。啊,我说君敏啊,你就别对我说对不起啦,我也很不好意思啦,哈哈哈,我们都没错,是那男的少跟筋啊!对不对?哈哈哈。。。我还要谢你介绍工给我哦,嘻。你也别为你的第一份工的结果而感到奥脑吧。没什么的啦。。。还有很多机会哦!今天,也深深体会到没钱的痛苦了,钱包还是第一次,没了生命力。。。老爸将我的零用钱给封杀了,他说我太会花钱了。。。没想到我也有这天。。。所以才要到外面去找钱啊,但是part time还不是蓉易找的,还是我太挑了?无论如何,我也该还我的钱包一些公道啊,不能给它瘦瘦的,更别说我要雪拚的东西了吧,早已别打入冷宫。。。。如果谁有part time job 要介绍,我可是无限欢引哦!!! 钱啊,别再躲了啦。。。。我可是会耍恨的哦...
看吧,别再闹咯。 -_-lll

Saturday, May 19, 2007

bish sish ba bong !!!!

well, here's my brand-new bloggy again ..... @_@ , due to some stupid,'innocent' action, i've lost my bla-bla-black-sheep.... T_T not to play wif the html thingy, if u're not pro enough...

It's another sleepless night for me again, cant really sleep well since holiday started. Why ??!!! weirdo me ~~~ coz I cant stop thinking bout many things that i feel like doing or to achieve. ya, only thinking, no action. the things im thinking really bothering me for quite some times dy. thought it's time to do something, at least can make myself feel better. I should b more responsible for my own life, should b more brave to move the 1st step.... yaya, i hav faith in Rika oh! :D

ehem, i went jogging with yoke kim yest, felt extremly good!! >.< hot =".=">
after jogging, we went cyberjaya's old town cafe to hav our dinner, spent some times finding the place, but at last we found it too, lolz reached home at 8pm.

was very very sleepy at 11 sumthing, thought will hav a sweet dream den... who noes... another sleepless nite attacked! sigh, mayb i drank coffee? hmmm, don't think so, coffee it's not sleep time killer for me... for sure... a bit sure .... hahaha, will try not to drink today n c whether can cure my insomnia sickness not...

okok, think that's all for now, i think i should go to hav some nap to rescue my 'bad skin condition' !!! hey, being pretty is at the 1st place on my ' to do list' ler , must put more effort on it! gambateh gambateh, rika-chan! hehe